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Stories from Abroad
Seoul, South Korea
Anna Poorman

Student Perspective: Anna in Seoul

Anna Poorman
Penny Stamps School of Art and Design

“I had never really lived or experienced a culture or life outside of the Western culture I grew up with here in the U.S. Growing up being adopted from China, I always felt displaced and out of place and always wondered what it was like in Eastern Countries where I was originally born, but, by fate, never stayed long enough to become a part of it. Coming to Korea, it was both odd in its unfamiliarity and comforting to be around people who looked like me and not be the minority. And at EWHA especially, an all-women’s university, I felt an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration for all the strong, talented, and amazing Asian women whose footsteps I was following in. My teachers especially, both women, taught me a lot not just about their crafts, although they were incredibly insightful, but also about their journey as women through the art and design fields. Their experiences were relatable in such a touching way that I felt connected to these other women I met, who by chance I only met because I came to EWHA. 

My favorite experience was being able to belt out karaoke in a country I only arrived at a week ago with other women I barely knew. Despite the discomfort of unfamiliarity, all I could think was, wow I love being a woman. I think EWHA’s program is so important for other women in the art and design world to experience because it inspires strength and love for other women no matter what they bring to the table.”