As you consider hosting international visitor, it is helpful to identify the reasons for doing so. Some common objectives for these visits may include:
Enhancing the educational or research capacity of your individual department, academic unit, or the broader University.
Creating new learning opportunities for U-M students in collaboration with an international partner.
Exploring new opportunities for bringing international students to your academic program.
Exchanging knowledge and ideas around topics of mutual interest. Visit formats may range from courtesy calls or general introductions to detailed partnership planning or celebrations of particular shared accomplishments. The following questions can help you plan the actual visit:
What is your history with the visitors? Do you (or your unit) have an existing relationship with the organization or does the visit represent a new area for collaboration?
Is there sufficient faculty/staff interest among your colleagues to explore collaboration with the visiting organization or institution? If so, what are those particular areas of interest? How do they align with the goals of the visitors?
Who requested the visit? Did you extend an invitation or did the visitors contact the U-M? What are the benefits of this visit for your department, academic unit or the broader U-M? What costs and time commitments will be involved with the visit?
Who are the members of the visiting delegation? Are you able to connect visitors to U-M counterparts with similar titles or status? Scheduling and availability may be factors for consideration.