It is important that U-M academic units are aware of student travel plans abroad – either as organized groups or as individuals traveling to higher risk destinations for U-M Related Travel.
To facilitate information sharing, the Provost’s Office maintains a list of International Travel Dean’s designees. The International Travel Dean’s Designee serves as the U-M Ann Arbor Provost Office’s primary point of contact for verifying unit-level financial and academic approval for U-M related group travel abroad and determining “essential travel” if necessary. The Provost Office will verify an International Travel Dean’s Designee’s approval for group travel during the Safety Plan review process for higher risk travel to a U-M Travel Warning or U-M Travel Restriction destination and will contact the International Travel Dean’s Designee when questions related to the essential nature of travel arise.
Each Dean or executive officer for Athletics and Student Life may nominate one Dean’s designee for student travel abroad. Designees are often members of the Council on Global Engagement. Deans or CGE members must notify the Chair of the International Travel Oversight Committee of any changes to the Dean’s designee listing. For the Ann Arbor campus, each academic unit must have one Dean’s designee. U-M Flint and U-M Dearborn may elect to have one Provost’s designee for their campus.
University of Michigan Related Travel Abroad for Student Groups
Unit-level approval includes supporting the educational purpose of the proposed international travel experience. Unit-level approval may consider unit-specific travel health and safety review, though the unit may delegate the health and safety aspects of approval to ITOC via the safety plan review process. Please note that all travel to U-M Travel Warning or Restriction destinations must undergo ITOC review, even after receiving the support of the International Travel Dean’s Designee.
ITOC will verify Dean’s designee approval for all student group travel to U-M Travel Warning or Restriction destinations, will inform the Dean’s designee of approval for all individual student travel to U-M Travel Restriction destinations and to U-M Travel Warning locations during the safety plan review process.
ITOC members are available to consult with a Dean’s designee at any time to discuss the health, safety, and security concerns for travel to any destination, including travel to a U-M Travel Warning or Restriction destination. For questions, contact the Chair of ITOC or